Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

Child abuse can take on many forms, including the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).

CSEC is characterized as any sexual activity involving a child in exchange for anything, or the promise of anything, of value. It includes everything from child trafficking to sharing images of child pornography, and the children exploited are often those with a history of abuse, neglect, and missing or being absent from care.

CSEC cases have doubled in recent years, with experts citing increased time spent online as a major factor.

How MACA is Addressing CSEC

As cases increase, we’re working harder than ever to meet the demand for services by expanding our CSEC Service Enhancement Project. Thanks to funding from a multi-year Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) award, we secured enough money for 12 CSEC Coordinators/Case Managers statewide.

Now, every county throughout the Commonwealth has a designated CSEC Coordinator assigned to facilitate the CSEC Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) response for youth identified as at-risk or have been exploited. Working together, we’re supporting children’s safety, helping them heal, and investigating their alleged exploitations.

The CSEC Service Enhancement Project strives to continue improving coordination, information, and referrals to services like victim advocacy, peer mentor projects, emotional support, and safety services. Focusing on sustainability and longevity, MACA constantly seeks new and diverse funding streams to support this important initiative. To that end, we applied for and secured our first Children’s Justice Act (CJA) grant supporting our reconfigured CSEC Statewide Program Manager position supporting the comprehensive and robust CSEC response initiatives at the CACs.

By having a staff member at MACA dedicated to the CSEC response, MACA can address the unique needs of the CAC staff and MDT partners who respond to CSEC, ensuring that the response is conducted through a trauma-informed, best practice-led, and survivor-focused lens. This support is offered through a three-pronged approach:

  • Training and technical assistance for the CSEC Coordinators and the CSEC MDT members.
  • Highlighting the successes and advocating for the needs of the CSEC response in various state and national forums.
  • Spearheading statewide initiatives and projects aimed at enhancing the CSEC response.